Email Committee | Subcommittee |
| Activities Chair: Jeff C.
Plans functions for the general membership of NA - i.e.: picnics, dances and other suggested type of events.
| Literature Distribution Chair: Matt S.
Fills orders placed by the GSRs at area service meeting, maintains inventory and places orders for the MCASC.
| Assistant Literature Distribution
| Literature Review
| Hospitals & Institutions Chair: Michael P.
The chairperson maintains contact with the facilities where addicts are unable to attend regular scheduled NA meetings, planning dates and times and handling conflicts as necessary.
H&I meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7pm
600 New Brunswick Ave. Perth Amboy or Zoom meeting ID: 830 512 20883, password: HI.
| Public Information Chair: Tim K.
Plans presentations and presents literature about NA to the public through forums at schools, libraries, hospitals and institutions.
P.I. meets the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30pm on Zoom.
Zoom ID: 832 0288 7478 / Password: 789109
Please contact the subcommittee chair, Katie F., for details.
| Service Workshop Chair: Matt L.
The chairperson plans a workshop presenting information on NA services, topics of concern for NA groups and members, invites NA related speakers from the subcommittees, regional and world levels.
| Website Chair: OPEN
Maintains the MCASC website -